Chereal Designs

Custom Designs-Virtual Studio Learning-Repair

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  • DIY Jewelry Kits: Hand-knotted Mala Bracelet class at Big Picture Gallery and Studio

DIY Jewelry Kits: Hand-knotted Mala Bracelet class at Big Picture Gallery and Studio


DIY Jewelry Kits: Hand-knotted Mala Bracelet class at Big Picture Gallery and Studio


Buy your kit to sign up for class! On Sunday, May 15 at Big Picture Gallery and Studio, learn how to knot in between beads and make a mala. Each kit comes with natural gemstone beads, thread, beeswax, a needle, written instructions and sterling silver components.

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Buy your kit to sign up for class! On Sunday, May 15 at Big Picture Gallery and Studio, learn how to knot in between beads and make a mala. Each kit comes with natural gemstone beads, thread, beeswax, a needle, written instructions and sterling silver components.

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